White Lightning

12 Ways to Create a DIY Rain Garden



To help you get started with creating your own rain garden, here are 12 ways to make a DIY rain garden:

Choose the right location for your rain garden. Look for an area that is sloped and has good drainage.

Image Source : lawnlove

Select plants that are native to your region. These plants are better adapted to the local climate and require less maintenance.

Image Source : allaboutgardening

Use a mix of plants with different root depths to maximize water infiltration.

Image Source : Pinterest

Mulch helps retain moisture and prevents erosion. Protect your garden with this simple solution.

Image Source : Pinterest

Install a berm around the perimeter of your rain garden to help contain the water.

Image Source : bhg

Create a swale leading to your rain garden to help direct water towards it.

Image Source : tenthacrefarm

Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater from your roof and use it to water your garden.

Image Source : farmersalmanac

Switch to permeable pavers for a eco-friendly driveway that reduces runoff and benefits the environment

Image Source : Pinterest

Add a rain chain to your gutter system to direct water towards your rain garden.

Image Source : Pinterest

Use a rain garden calculator to help determine the size and location of your rain garden.

Image Source : Pinterest

Determine the size of your rain garden. It should be about one-third the size of the area that will drain into it.

Image Source : nytimes

Consult with a professional landscaper or rain garden expert if you need help designing or installing your rain garden.

Image Source : savvygardening

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