White Lightning

10 Easy Pallet Garden Wall Ideas



Get a pallet that is in excellent condition. You can create a herb garden in a pallet. This will give a natural look to your backyard.

Image Source : housebeautiful

To make good use of your old palette, create a bug hotel. Don't forget to fill it with some logs and drill holes in them. Now, wait for the bugs to enter their new home.

Image Source : housebeautiful

Select the best plants for your pallet garden wall and make it a vertical planting area. This will make your garden wall entirely green.

Image Source : gardenerspath

Any gardener would want a place for potting. You can build your potting table, shelves, and racks to keep your gardening tools. It is a great idea for gardeners who keep misplacing their tools every now and then.

Image Source : amazon

You can also make your boring front window beautiful by adding a garden wall with different layers of plants.

Image Source : gardeningetc

Create a pond with pallets- Take a container, cover it with wooden strips, and paint it with whatever color you want. This will give a beautiful look to your front yard.

Image Source : gardeningetc

Here is an innovative option to renovate your compost wall area into an interesting planting feature- Decorate the wall of your compost area with flowers or herbs, which will enhance other pallet walls.

Image Source : Pinterest

If you are interested in balcony gardening, then transform your balcony with a vertical planting wall. This will only cover a little space and will bloom your balcony.

Image Source : lawnlove

You can also create a garden boundary- Gather a few pallets, fence them and plant them up.

Image Source : yahoo

One of the most trending gardens is a vertical garden, which will green up your wall. It does not require much space.

Image Source : pavingplatform

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