White Lightning

10 Roof Graden Ideas That You Need To Build a Vibrant Terrace


roof garden

You can start off by building some planters in the deck. You can plant a few shrubs and colorful plants in such decks.

Image Source : bhg

Plant a variety of flowers that bring an aesthetic appeal to your terraced garden.

Image Source : candide

If you want your terraced garden to have some privacy, you can install some privacy hedges.

Image Source : balconygardenweb

You can use small planters to bring flexibility to your terrace garden.

Image Source : urbangardensweb

Add comfortable seating to your roof garden. Place furniture that is comfortable yet appealing.

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Plant some evergreens in your terrace garden. You can even lay artificial grass in your garden.

Image Source : newindianexpress

When planning a roof garden, make sure to pick every material carefully. You should pay attention to the load-bearing capacity of the containers you choose.

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Avoid placing or hanging any pots on the edges while planning your roof garden. It will ensure safety in your roof garden.

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You can even install a green roof in your garden. It will give a rustic look to your garden.

Image Source : permagard

Another great idea for creating a roof garden is to opt for a meadow-style.

Image Source : Pinterest

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