White Lightning

13 Eco-Friendly Home Decor Ideas


home decor

Recycle your old stuff. Instead of buying new things for home decor, you can recycle your old items.

Image Source : timesofindia

You can make sculptural vases from recycled paper pulp.

Image Source : Pinterest

Use eco paints for your walls. Its components are biodegradable and good for your health.

Image Source : indigopaints

Buy rugs made of recycled, discarded plastic bottles. They look good and give a fine look to your home.

Image Source : architecturaldigest

Wallpaper made from cotton fiber and grasscloth will contribute a stunning look to your wall.

Image Source : housebeautiful

For a sustainable kitchen idea, the best option is to use eco paint for the walls.

Image Source : homelane

Make your bedroom earth-friendly by using natural fibers and recycled materials. The eco-friendly bedroom is the best place for rest.

Image Source : ecofriend

Adding plants will give your home a more relaxing vibe. It will cleanse the air inside the house and increase oxygen circulation.

Image Source : lifeoxy

You can buy used products for decorating your home. It will help reduce the waste in the environment. Also, you will have classic designs in your home.

Image Source : magicbricks

Use LED lights instead of energy-draining bulbs. They are long-lasting and consume less power.

Image Source : thegef

You can use eco-friendly wallpapers in your house.

Image Source : elledecor

Consider solar lighting for your house.

Image Source : godrejinterio

Use more jute and reusable items.

Image Source : readersdigest

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