How To Arrange Furniture In An Awkward Living Room

How To Arrange Furniture In An Awkward Living Room

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How To Arrange Furniture In An Awkward Living Room

Go Big To Small

Go Big To Small

When designing and arranging furniture in an awkward living room, create a base before moving onto the finer details....

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Create Zones

Create Zones

Creating zones to tackle the abnormalities in the spaces can allow for multiple activities within the same area.....

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Bring It All In

Bring It All In

Do not stick to the slant and awkward edges of a room. Instead, when deciding on how to arrange furniture in an awkward, be bold to pull furniture away from the walls and slant surfaces.....

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Get Creative With Shapes

Bring It All In

An odd living room means uncomfortable spaces and crooked corners. Bring in furniture with rounded edges or curved silhouettes to add fluidity to the space and soften the look....

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Utilise All Corners

Utilise All Corners

Instead of calling them off as awkward, liven them up with some fresh green plants to add a breath of fresh air to the space....

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Go Minimalist

Go Minimalist

When designing spaces that are oddly shaped and deciding how to arrange furniture in an awkward living room, minimalism is the key....

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