Minimalist Kitchen Design Images

How to create a minimalist kitchen design?

- De-clutter, de-clutter, & de-clutter

Minimalist kitchen means having bare minimum in the kitchen; just what is absolutely essential and integral to the functionality.

The biggest problem in the kitchen is always storage.

Get rid of the unwanted items in the kitchen to get more storage.  By unwanted items we mean, there must be a beautiful dining set that you must have kept safely for some great occasion.

But frankly, that dining set is only contributing to the clutter and eating up the storage space.  Find ways to utilize the space behind the cabinet doors.

Minimalist interior design style is all about using nude and neutral tones.

A combination of white, black, and grey in your kitchen’s color scheme will not only lend a modern and sleek look, it will also make your kitchen look spacious if you do not have a really big kitchen.

- Go for monochromatic color palette in your kitchen

Designate a proper and fixed place for your cookware and silverware.

Dedicate your drawers exclusively for appliances, store plates, or other containers.

- Designate proper place for anything and everything

Remove and relocate anything which is not used quite often; maybe it is just eating the much required space in the kitchen.

A great amount of space on your kitchen countertop must be consumed by placement of rice cooker, microwave oven, air fryer, coffee maker, or a toaster.

Relocate them from the counter top.  These items are unnecessarily eating up on the space.

- Relocate appliances

Sometimes you have a dozens of knives, peelers, spatulas, or potholders in your kitchen drawers while you often only use just one.

- Say goodbye to extras

Take the extra ones out of your kitchen.  It is absolutely unnecessary to keep things in kitchen which you are actually not using.

Keep only the limited number of saucers, plates and spoons, which you are almost certain to use on a daily basis.

Also remove any flashy unnecessary gadgets that you might be having in your kitchen but not using except once in a blue moon.

Top 7 Minimalist Kitchen Design Ideas

Minimalist Kitchen Design #1

Minimalist Kitchen Design #2

Minimalist Kitchen Design #3

Minimalist Kitchen Design #4

Minimalist Kitchen Design #5

Minimalist Kitchen Design #6

Minimalist Kitchen Design #7

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