White Lightning

Top 12 Interior Design Trends for 2023


interior design


The focus on sustainable and eco-friendly materials and practices is expected to continue, with more homeowners and designers prioritizing the use of recycled and natural materials.

Image Source : designcafe

Image Source : archdaily

Biophilic design

Biophilic design incorporates natural elements and materials to create a connection with nature and promote well-being.

Earthy tones

Earthy tones such as terracotta, rust, and olive green are predicted to become more popular in interior design, bringing a sense of warmth and comfort to living spaces.

Image Source : Pinterest

Image Source : Pinterest


After years of minimalism, maximalism is making a comeback with bold colors, patterns, and textures being used to create a more eclectic and personalized look.


Soft, rounded shapes are becoming more popular in furniture and decor, replacing the sharp lines of previous years.

Image Source : homelane

Image Source : bhg

Statement lighting

Bold and eye-catching lighting fixtures are expected to become more popular, with designers using lighting as a way to make a statement in a room.

Mixed materials

Mixing different materials such as wood, metal, and glass to create a layered and textured look is predicted to be a popular trend in interior design.

Image Source : mansionglobal

Image Source : nobroker

Textured walls

Textured walls, such as those made from wood or stone, are expected to become more popular as homeowners look for ways to add interest and depth to their living spaces.

Vintage and antique pieces

Vintage and antique furniture and decor are predicted to become more popular as homeowners look for ways to add character and history to their homes.

Image Source : Pinterest

Image Source : nymag

Multi-functional spaces

With more people working from home, multi-functional spaces that can be used for both work and relaxation are expected to become more popular.


Customization and personalization are predicted to be a big trend in interior design, with homeowners and designers looking for ways to create unique and individualized living spaces.

Image Source : forbes

Image Source : Pinterest


Glamorous and luxurious materials such as velvet, marble, and gold are predicted to become more popular in interior design, bringing a sense of opulence and sophistication to living spaces.

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