White Lightning

10 Pasta bar ideas to get you ready to host your party!



First, you must gather all equipment that you need to place on your pasta bar. This includes all forks, knives, napkins, bowls, etc.

Image Source : heinens

The next step to building your pasta bar is to decide on your menu. What kind of pasta do you want to serve on the pasta bar? Choose any 2 or 3!

Image Source : plumdeluxe

Cook your pasta with perfection.

Image Source : chatelaine

Now, you toss the pasta in various oils and place it in its own bowls!

Image Source : chiceats

Your DIY pasta bar can also include gluten-free pasta, as your party people would prefer.

Image Source : plumdeluxe

Place a table where you keep your food. Decorate the table and place the freshly prepared pasta bowls on the table.

Image Source : cosmopolitan

Now, you can decorate your pasta bar as you would like.

Image Source : somewhatsimple

Place some candles on your pasta bar for decorative purposes. You can also keep other decor pieces that draw people’s attention.

Image Source : yourstory

Don’t forget to place all the knives, forks, bowls, and plates that you previously bought on the table.

Image Source : yummly

Finally, add some lighting to your pasta bar to make it look magical.

Image Source : somewhatsimple

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